Ive been having a great time in blogland at the moment so can I just say that I'm reading blogs. Also I had never really got to grips the various blogreaders out there. Now that googlereader is going I have spent a while getting to know how to use these things and organise my cluttered mind. I have, after trying bloglovin, gone over to feedly and it is so easy and now I've got all the blogs in one place. Bliss. My daily intake has always been Small things and Soulemama and they really are still my mainstay.
I've been knitting various things... none of which i can easily get photos of because everytime I try.... a battery is low, the internet is down, there are half eaten bits of apple and marmite sticking onto everything..etc etc.. Anyway finally managed to pin down one project. It is the ultimate stash buster. I am a great one for dyeing wool and spinning etc but for the the life of me I cannot bear note taking or doing the same thing over and over again. The exitement is the dyeing and the colour changes. Therefore, there are never more than one skein of anything. Although i have done a few socks, there is no way I will ever knit endless pairs of socks.. or even sock of pairs (mr topsy-turvy). So... I am doing a v neck pullover that changes colour every single round/row. Great idea except see the ends I have to weave in. Weaving in normally stops me in my tracks but this is such a slow knit I don't mind. At least there is no sewing up ! All the yarns are mosty DK although some of the handspun is thicker and has therefore puckered up a little. I'm hoping blocking will help that. Although really that will be a heart in the mouth moment as so many of these yarns are dyed by myself and probably not completely set .. so there may be lots of colour change at that time. I have made a concious decision not to plan any of the colour changes and it is interesting that when i have felt blue.... I didn't choose any blue colours!
Update... just manged to recharge phone and take a picture of the jumper i'm most enjoying working on. Again it is using up a skein each of the natural dyeing I did last summer. The colours are so lovely. I'm not sure if that is because I gathered the dyestuff around the same time last year. There are blackberries, eucalyptus bark, goldenrod, dock seeds and I can't remember... I initially thought I'd do a sock so i cast on 72 stitches and did two inches of rib (knitting through the back loop on the knit stiches) and then I changed colour every inch or so. It was so gorgeous I couldn't bear that they would be hidden away as socks and realised that this "sock" was the right size to be a sleeve. I then started increasing two stitches every inch and then I got bored of that! Next thing... OOOH why don't I do a drop shoulder/saddle shoulder boxy thingy. Anyway to cut a long story short.. That's what I did, making it up as I went and repeated the sleeve all the way down the other end. Now I'm at the very very monotonous stage where I'm just knitting each skein down to the end endlessly, not forgetting it is in sock yarn on 3.25 needles. (8 stitches per inch).
I'm a day late on the Yarn Along as well. Soule Mama and Small Things are some of my favorite blogs too. I also come away from those blogs feeling inspired and ready to take on the day with intention.
Lovely knits. The stripes look perfect in those colours.
Enjoy knitting with those pretty yarns.
Hi... gosh thanks... ive been reading those two a few years now and they inspire me so much. One of the very very slow concepts to percolate into my real life is consistency. Im a great one for following my insatiable creativity but it sometimes comes at a price for the family. So at the moment I have not really blogged because I'm not very good at the day in day out consistency and I think that ginny and Amanda are so successful because they post everyday. Ir is therefore incredibly exciting to have a viewer and not only that .... two comments. I love you! Or is that inappropriate? Blimey.. I'd better get blogging. Cant disappoint my audience. Oh gosh. .. I think I might have megalomaniac tendencies. Quiet now.
Hellooooo there in lovely oz. Say hi ro the kookaburras and gum trees please. Australia is my soul home.
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